31 janvier 2007

DIGEST : Janvier 2007

Unreviewed screenings, current reads, links, recommendations, free talk, radio webcast, questions, thoughts, informal conversation, anything... comments welcome.

>> updates below (sticky entry for a month)

21 commentaires:

  1. Radio webcast : Interview of Nuri Bilge Ceylan (Climates) by Laure Adler (L'Avventura on France Culture), and a plan-sequence analysis in Sokurov's The Sun by DP Caroline Champetier. Available online for a week, in French, and Turkish

  2. Radio webcast : Le Masque et la Plume on : The Fountain, Daratt, Election 1...

  3. Radio webcast : Ciné-club Jean Douchet at La Cinémathèque on Rivette's Secret Défense (1998). Recorded on DEC 4 2006.

  4. Radio webcast : Lecture at La Cinémathèque, Expressionist Generation in Hollywood, by Bernard Eisenschitz. Recorded on NOV 30 2006.

  5. Radio webcast : Lecture at La Cinémathèque, How did German Expressionism redefined Hollywood genres? by Marc Cerisuelo. Recorded on NOV 23 2006.

  6. Radio webcast : Ciné-club Jean Douchet at La Cinémathèque on Doillon's Ponette (1996). Recorded on DEC 4 2006.

  7. And of course : the Contemplative Cinema Blogathon at Unspoken Cinema !
    Come over to visit and stay for the discussions ;)

    First roundtable at Unspoken Cinema, about the naming and origin of this recent trend of worldwide artfilms I arbitrarily called "Contemplative Cinema"

    French counterpart at Le Forum des Cahiers

  8. "The Enigma of the Favorite Film" at a_film_by, a discussion about listing favorites

  9. The end of cinephilia, according to Thomas Sotinel in Le Monde (1/7/07).

    And follow up discussion at Le Forum des Cahiers (with full text in French reposted)

  10. Radio webcast : Homage on France Culture to Jean-Pierre Vernant who died recently. Repeat of a 2004 broadcast when he talked with Godard about his film at Cannes : Tout arrive!. A discussion about Greek history and the Israel-Palestine conflict.
    Description here, and Realaudio here (download "2eme partie").

  11. New issue of Rouge (#10) is online!

    - Costa's Tokyo lecture that was available earlier, and taken down, at KinoSlang.
    - essays on Costa, Akerman and Ghatak

  12. Ciné-Philo : lecture on Spinoza "The experience of Eternity", with clips from Green Soylant (film as an archive of Earth projected for eldery dying), Gladiator (altered vision of his memories when Spartacus dies), After Hours (slower/accelerated perception of time), Strange Days (mental cinema), Highlanders (acceleration, the price of immortals is to become mortal), Wings of Desir (eternity of angels is dull), Matrix (bullet-time = outside of reality), The 36th Chamber of Shaolin...

  13. Roundtable at Cahiers about problems of market saturation in French production and distribution. On France Culture webcast (2nd part).

  14. Radio broadcast : Anne Wiazemsky on her new book, Jeune Fille about her experience with Bresson in Balthazar, on France Culture. 50'
    Plus a comment by Jean-Michel Frodon who prepares his future book on Bresson.

  15. Live Chat at Cahiers with Alain Bergala on his latest book on JLG, "Godard au travail". Thursday January 18 2007, 17-18h (GMT+2).

    Live Chat at Cahiers with Jean-Michel Frodon. Debat around the question "Produit-on trop de films en France?"
    Friday January 19 2007, 17-18h (GMT+2).

  16. The Contemplative Cinema Blogathon is over, but you are encouraged to continue to visit the collective-blog Unspoken Cinema to read all the material published during the blogathon as well as to keep track of the future developments around this trend.

    Thank you all for the enthousiastic and thoughtful participation that made this experience so passionate.

  17. New issue of Vertigo (winter 2007)
    with an online article on Blissfully Yours


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