13 février 2009

New Indian Auteur website

Nitesh (Winds From the East) and his friends has just opened a new website and a community of cinephiles in India which goal is to promote artfilms and Auteurist Indian cinema in the land of the Bollywood hegemony. The manifesto statement can be read here. There are also a lot of cine club events throughout regions of India as well as participation to retrospectives on foreign cinema. And I wrote for them an article on Truffaut's article "Une certaine Tendance du cinéma français"; the first part is up now.
Cheers to an exciting adventure developing now.

FINALLY…persistence paid. Days of dilemmas, confusion, indecision, uncertainty, and countless embarrassed postponements later, the group managed to strike the first death knell finally, as it launched (the beta version) of its own website, www., in the wee hours of the morning, on 12th Feb 2009.

The inaugural issue features reviews, the much-read Delhi Manifesto, details of upcoming events by the group, and the various extensive, and exhaustive features on various topics related to the state of Indian cinema. The issue also touches upon an unique topic of Film Education to inform and help Indian readers get acquainted with different styles, forms of cinema and film criticism. HarryTuttle, French cinephile author of Screenville talks about Truffaut and his manifesto in the first issue.

The group held a little party to commemorate a sort of an official announcement of the launch, on the morning of 12th Feb, at Café Turtle, situated in Khan Market. The launch had as its chief guest, Dr. Ziaei, Director, Iran Culture House; along with a few members of the group.

"Congratulations to them. Best wishes, and hope they grow as great writers and filmmakers in an international film event", said Dr. Ziaei.

5 commentaires:

  1. Sir, I long time reader of ur blog from India, but first time comment…. Thank for your informative article and help clear these terms. Looking forward for more.

  2. Landed on the blog from Indian Auteur,and a great blog. This is something I wrote there:

    Sorry for sounding naive, but was curious...Did people really take Truffaut words seriously? After all, he was just 21? And what was the aftermath of the article?

  3. Welcome guys. And thank for the good words.
    I hadn't seen the comments had been added to the site. So I've replied over there now.

  4. Thanks for the informative article Harry. Eager to read the next part. Here are two comments on the site regarding the same:

    Great article. I'm looking forward for more, being an non-student of cinema it's definitely rewarding. Are their any clear distinction between films of poetic realism and psychological realism?

    or they similar genres with the conventional methods you laid out.


    I'm may be completely off track here. BUt one thing irks me.

    Truffaut seems to be speaking against this psychological realism. Psychological realism was, in a way, a derivative of the Expressionist films from Germany right?

    The French new wave it self seems to have its roots in expressionism (via expressionism-film-noir-french new wave).

    I either fail to comprehend Truffaut's attack on Psychological realism (Does he mean the exclusion of politics in cinema?), or I don't understand the terms. Either case, HELP!!!

  5. The 3rd issue of Indian Auteur (May 2009) is now online, with the 2nd part of my article on Truffaut's La Politique des Auteurs.


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