22 septembre 2010


Selected amongst the 200 videos for the Guggenheim's biennale YouTube Play contest for online art video:
(connectedthefilm, 8 june 2010, Tiffany Shlain & Ken Golberg)


8 commentaires:

  1. if you can read this, you failed...

  2. "A motion piece designed as part of a larger project for my final year BA Visual Communications in DIT. The whole project, titled 'DigitalTherapy' challanges users to question and analyse the ways in which they live their digital lives.

    So the video highlighted the ways in which our digital selves spill over and effect us in the real world - occasionally in un-invited ways."

    Digital Therapy (16 Jul 2010/smugairle)
    Guggenheim's YouTube Play

  3. "On the subject of URL blocking and the various information safety campaigns loosely referred to as the Great Firewall of China"

    (we're sorry) your future is no longer available (black desktop mix) (31 March 2010/polymarch)
    Guggenheim's YouTube Play

  4. "A collage of footage and sounds from various Hollywood movies from mid 90ies and on, where internet is portrayed. What is shown is obviously not the real internet, but rather a meta internet, fabricated to work in favor of a certain plot or narrative. The imagery isn't necessarily very authentic, yet we have no difficulty interpreting this imaginary aesthetic. We've been taught to expect it, and we're now completely immune to its disparateness."

    Hollywood Internet (17 Sept 2010/Anna Lundh/ko02anlu)
    Guggenheim's YouTube Play

  5. L'information à l'épreuve des réseaux sociaux (BPI, Centre Pompidou) PDF:
    "De nouveaux sites de partage de l’information fleurissent désormais sur la Toile et viennent perturber les canaux d’information précédemment existants, entraînant de la part des internautes de nouvelles pratiques, plus actives et participatives. Les réseaux sociaux en ligne rassemblent plus d’un milliard de personnes dans le monde, le plus connu d’entre eux, Facebook, a dépassé le cap des 500 millions de membres; chacun se montre et se raconte sur son site individuel, et commente l’actualité du monde.
    Comment interpréter ce phénomène sans précédent ? Quel est son devenir, et comment accueillir les évolutions et les controverses qu’il suscite, en termes de protection de la vie privée, de droit à l’oubli et à l’effacement du passé, de propagande politique et de prosélytisme?
    En lançant ce débat, le magazine Books, qui fait peau neuve dans une nouvelle formule mensuelle, se fait l’écho d’une préoccupation propre à son métier: à l’heure des réseaux sociaux, quel est le devenir de l’information?"
    Conférence avec : Postel-Vinay Olivier; Bordas Nicolas ; Haski Pierre ; Hugon Stéphane ; Massonnet Philippe
    MP3 (29 Sept 2010) 1h57'

  6. "We're texting people at a distance. We're using inanimate objects to convince ourselves that even when we're alone, we feel together. And then when we're with each other, we put ourselves in situations where we feel alone—constantly on our mobile devices. It's what I call a perfect storm of confusion about what's important in our human connections."

    Alone Together, 2011, Sherry Turkle (director of the MIT Initiative on Technology and Self)

  7. "As we expect more from technology, do we expect less from each other? Sherry Turkle studies how our devices and online personas are redefining human connection and communication -- and asks us to think deeply about the new kinds of connection we want to have."
    Connected, but alone? (Sherry Turkle; TED; March 2012)


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