"Craignez-vous pour vos vers la censure publique, Soyez-vous à vous-même un sévère critique". [Boileau] in L'art poétique
"La critique est un parasite de la société qui n'a aucune influence ! Les critiques sont de vieux imbéciles, incapables de faire un autre métier alors que la majorité des artistes sur le retour pourraient très bien devenir critiques !" [Coluche] Extrait du journal France-Soir - 1977
"Le critique insulte l'auteur : on appelle cela de la critique. L'auteur insulte le critique : on appelle cela de l'insulte." [Henry de Montherlant] Extrait de Carnets
"C'est quelquefois la critique d'un critique que nous n'aimons pas qui nous fait aimer le livre critiqué." [Jules Renard] Extrait de son Journal 1887-1892
"Je connais un critique qui est en même temps auteur... ce qui le met en tant qu'auteur dans une situation critique !" [Raymond Devos] Extrait du sketch L'auteur critique ou un cas de dédoublement
"Reviewers are usually people who would have been poets, historians, biographers, etc., if they could; they have tried their talents at one or the other, and have failed; therefore they turn critics." [Samuel Taylor Coleridge] in Lectures on Shakespeare and Milton (1811-1812)
"Ne fais pas attention à ce que dit la critique : on n'a jamais élevé une statue à un critique." [Jean Sibelius]
"La critique a toujours eu mauvaise presse ; le critique, bonne conscience."
[Pierre Descaves] Extrait de Le Théâtre
"La critique est aisée et le critique dans l'aisance." [Jules Renard] Extrait de son Journal
"C'est avec un oeil critique qu'il faut lire les critiques." [Jean-Yves Soucy] Extrait de L'étranger au ballon rouge
"Vous pouvez voir le mauvais critique à ce qu'il commence par parler du poète et non du poème." [Ezra Pound] Extrait de L’ABC de la lecture
"Il ne faut pas demander à l'artiste plus qu'il ne peut donner, ni au critique plus qu'il ne peut voir." [Georges Braque] Extrait de Le Jour et la nuit
"Qui critique les autres travaille à son propre amendement." [Arthur Schopenhauer] Extrait des Aphorismes sur la sagesse dans la vie
"Peu de gens sont assez sages pour préférer le blâme qui leur est utile à la louange qui les trahit." [François de La Rochefoucauld] Extrait des Maximes
"La critique est un impôt que l'envie perçoit sur le mérite." [Duc de Lévis] Extrait de Maximes et réflexions
"La critique est aisée et l'art est difficile. C'est là ce qui produit ce peuple de censeurs, et ce qui rétrécit les talents des auteurs." [Destouches] Extrait de Le Glorieux
"Exiger simplement et strictement des choses les qualités qu'elles ont la prétention d'avoir : tout le sens critique tient là-dedans." [Georges Courteline] Extrait de La Philosophie de Georges Courteline
"Un sage scepticisme est le premier attribut d'un bon critique." [James Russell Lowell]
"La critique est une chose bien commode : on attaque avec un mot, il faut des pages pour se défendre." [Jean-Jacques Rousseau]See also : Defining a critic
25 commentaires:
"Throughout the history of the movies, the role of the critic never has been clearly defined."
Charles S. Steinberg, Communications author-professor
cited in Movie Business, 1972
"[Film critics should] take care of the facts and the values will take care of themselves."
Francis Sparshott
stated in "Basic Film Aesthetics", in the Mass and Cohen Anthology
"[Film critics] cannot make or break (a movie). They can help it or hurt it."
William Wyler
in Directors at Work, 1970
"The great thing criticism can do is illuminate"
Elia Kazan
"Hollywood requires criticism to help fix its social and cultural identity... criticism is a necessary part of the sense-making apparatus that allows cinema to be meaningful in society."
Richard Maltby, writer, 1995
"[Cinema is] kept alive not just through systems of production, distribution and exhibition, but also through the circulation of debates which provide the cultural context in which it can flourish."
Pam Cook, 1985
"We film critics are quite unlike one another... It can't be helped. We're working from different, or even mutually unintelligible, principles."
Arthur Knight, 1970
"More than 3/4th of those [movie critics surveyed] indicated they had completed an academic degree, albeit most with no specific training for criticism."
Charles S. Steinberg, 1972
"The cinematic critic ought to take his mission in life seriously. He ought to learn all there is to be learned about his profession, cultivating a knowledge of all the other arts from which the photoplay borrows."
Frances Taylor Patterson, 1920
"80% of film criticism comes from illiterates and deficient mentalities."
Federico Fellini, 1986
"As if it were a duty to be bored. I mean, you're still a human being, even if you are a critic."
Pauline Kael, 1998
"The vast majority of people are in need of guidance in the matter of photoplays. It is no longer a question of giving them what they want. It is a question of so directing their tastes that they will want what is best..."
Frances Taylor Patterson, 1920
"Film critics too often tend to write as oracles, ultimate repositories of truth to whom two questions are put: What does this film mean, and, is it any good?"
I.C. Jarvie, 1970
"The good critic has to be the ideal viewer, not the ideal director or viewer or actor."
Roger Ebert, 1991
"I'm a historian, I'm not a prophet. And I'm not an activist or a revolutionary. I don't want to change movies... If I wanted to change movies, I'd go out and make them."
Andrew Sarris, 1991
"I can be wrong. So what? That's the risk. Critics never take it."
Sidney Lumet, 1995
"I think my influence was largely in style, not in substance."
Pauline Kael, 1998
"Critics used to have a unanimity of opinion. That day is gone forever... because of different groups, different cliques, different times, different generations even, writing about films."
Richard Brooks, 1970
"The critic's worst corruption is a desire to keep the readers happy."
Pauline Kael, 1998
"A critic should not be a ventriloquist's dummy, sitting on the knee of the public and letting it put words in its mouth."
Roger Ebert, 1997
"There's not much in a critic showing off how clever he is at writing silly, supercilious gags about something he hates."
Stanley Kubrick, 1976
"There are some people who are ambitious young critics... to whom it is more important that they become more famous than what they are writing about."
Richard Brooks, 1970
"Film critics, like oracles... pronounce their answer and there is no more to be said. The fact is that other oracles make different pronouncements."
I.C. Jarvis, 1970
"It is strange how people will quite willingly accept the plethora of irrational or ambiguous factors in everyday life, yet complain bitterly when they come across them in works of art, whether novels or films..."
Alain Robbe-Grillet, 1962
"Critics are not why you work."
David Lynch, 1991
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